Monday, June 3, 2013

Fives Days to Go!

A group of 22 participants, ages 16 on up will be traveling to El Salvador this Saturday to participate in a week long build with Habitat for Humanity in El Salvador.  Our trip is partially underwritten by Thrivent - and for that we thank them!

This will be my third Habitat El Salvador Build.  I'm going for several reasons.
1.  I have seen the need.  El Salvador gets hit by natural disasters at about the same rate that ocean beaches see high-tide/low tide.  Well, maybe not quite that much, but it happens a lot.  The Habitat homes that we are building are very earthquake resistant.
2.  I love the people of El Salvador.  The ELCA synod I most recently served had a "sister-synod" relationship with El Salvador and I've been there many times.  These are some of the most resilient, faithful, hopeful and beautiful people I've ever met.  The peace talks that ended their brutal civil war occurred in 1992.  All the adults have been through a great deal.  Yet they give me hope.
3.  I will be traveling with my 16 year old son.  This is his first trip to El Salvador.  I'm looking forward to seeing it through his eyes.  (His oldest sister who is now 21, accompanied me there four times between the age of 12 and 19)
4.  I really, really believe in the mission of Habitat for Humanity!
5.  Jesus said "whatever you did for one of the least of did for me."  Matthew 25:40

What brings you here?

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