Saturday, June 15, 2013


Today after breakfast and devotions, we worked for only a half day on the houses.  We accomplished a lot, but we are learning that establishing relationships is as important as putting block and mortar together.

After lunch, we drove down to a soccer  field that wasn't too far away.  (I don't know if we could have found it on foot, but the local dog who's been hanging around for scraps all week, "Rocky" certainly did!)

All together, there were about 30 people, Habitat volunteers, local children, masons, neighbors, and anyone who wanted to play.  They weren't necessarily divided into playing positions, but it sure looked like they were having fun!

It was a bright, sunny afternoon and even those who had never played soccer before, certainly looked like they were having a great time.

For our evening meeting, our "homework" was to interview another member of the team and get to know them better.  Steve paired us up really well and we introduced each other tonight.   There were some great stories and lots of joy!

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