Saturday, June 15, 2013


Today was a very short work day.  It was kind of bitter sweet.  We all would have liked to have seen all the houses completed, but in reality, we did what we could.

The exciting news was that one of our houses was completed to the point where we were able to have a dedication ceremony.  This was really exciting because even those of us that had been here working several times before had never been part of a dedication.  The dedication itself was remarkably similar to the ones we have in the US.  There are some scripture readings, thank yous, the giving of a family Bible and a key to the home.  Wow!  Very moving.

In the afternoon, Habitat had an "End of the Week" celebration at the home of the VP of the community's "directiva"  Traditional far all around.  The women had crafts and coffee to sell.

After lunch, they ded speeches and thank yous.  It was so clear how very appreciative the community was.  Each of us in the group received a "suitable for framing" certificate.  Also a personalized "heart" with a thanks and Bible verse and also a t-shirt

After the formalities, those who wanted to learn were taught how to make tamales or papusas.  Then they brought out a pinata and we brought all our extra candy and all the local kids had a BLAST playing this international favorite game.

I will post pictures separately, but wanted to get some words under the day so others on the group can post under the day as well.

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